Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tomato Goo

Was hungry so I decided to try something new. Browned ground beef with spices, added a can of tomato soup, and 2 slices of crumbled cornbread. (Not the sweet kind you weirdos, in fact, if anyone wants my cornbread recipe, let me know. It's really good ^_^)

I used less than a pound of ground beef cuz I'm poor and that's how I roll. I also left a little bit of the grease in it for flavor, but not too much or bleck. I swirled them all around and heated it till I felt like taking it off. Basically at this point I was just heating up the soup and bread. But I suppose the longer you heat it the thicker I think it would get. Dunno.

This was actually pretty good. Surprisingly the tomato soup made it a bit sweet, so if you aren't into that just add a dash of salt. Not the best thing I've ever had, but far from the worst. This was quick and dead easy.

Moral: Quick and easy for fast nomming.

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