Saturday, September 22, 2012

Equinox Eggs!

It's the equinox. Woohoo!! Autumn is here! The equinox is the only time where an egg will stand up on it's big end.

I love fall ^_^ This almost looks like an advertisement for Campbell's or something. It's soup that a friend gave me sitting on the counter, nothing more I swear. (you can't prove anything <_<) *happy dance* Fall is here! Autumn in Alabama is a happy time, it's a break from the hell of summer, it is the bliss before the cold, the happy time of beautiful trees and cool breezes. It's also the time of allergies, but I have a whole bottle of zrytec at the ready. :D Enough about the happiness that is me, I just wanted to share my equinox egg, enjoy ^_^

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