It's big enough to keep my legs warm while doing the short sides. Would make a good throw for the back of a recliner or something. No! Must not think like this. Must keep going! Oh wait...I need yarn. Damn you logic! Maybe I can find some on sale and I can go cushion diving to find some change?
Yarn! Yarn for the poor! Not like anyone reads this but I am always happy to give orphaned yarn a good home with lots of love. I think I need 2 skeins of one color just to get around this thing once. Dear Lord.
Also, if you didn't notice yet, I always take a photo of this blanket with my needle in it. It's the one I am making the blanket with. It is size H, 8, and 5mm (it's about 5 1/2 inches long). Anyways, I tell you this cuz if you go back to the previous posts about this blanket you can see just how much the blanket is growing cuz my needle is there. I promise the needle doesn't shrink either

I think that's about enough rambling from me. If this blanket ever gets done I should throw a party. My luck something will get spilled on this the moment after it's done. or something with velcro will touch it, or someone will get a bit too happy with scissors. Any number of possibilities.
(Originally posted on September 16, 2012 at 6:20 PM)
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